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Sunday, July 28, 2013

Myrtle Nursery

Early this summer, Hubby tells me that unless I do something with the
Lagerstroemia (also known as crape myrtle) shoots, that he was going to cut it all off.
(Excuse the grass, Hubby hadn't mowed it yet when I took the pic.)

But that's the Momma tree.  
....and here are her babies!!!!
All 14 of them are newly re-potted in each of their pot to grow even stronger roots.

This was an experiment that I did with the hopes of getting more trees ~ for free, of course!
I am happy to tell you that each stalk has a very healthy root system going on and I can't wait til next spring when I plant them in the ground.

I was coming into the house all dirty and sweaty from re-potting when hubby was on his way out to mow.

He looks at me and says that if I don't do anything with the myrtle shoots that he's gonna cut them off...

I look at the Momma tree and sure enough, there are more babies!

I counted 25 shoots!!!  O-O
Looks like I'm going to be needing more pots!!!  

This post is linked at

Saturday, July 27, 2013

UFO progress

So I am trying to motivate myself to complete tasks.
I have several UFOs (unfinished objects).

Here's one that I've made progress on.
It's part of a wedding quilt that is long overdue.
(Buggy Barn quilt pattern)

I mean reeeeeal long overdue.

They invited me to their beeeeeeautiful wedding in Peru!
(photographer:  Koki Villanueva and team)

They also invited me again to their beautiful wedding/reception in Pennsylvania.
(Fanny Caceres Photography)

Normally I don't show my quilts until they are finished.
But this really is super late.
So I want them to know that they are not forgotten.

Of course, there are ECK elements in this quilt...
Like my ECK appliqued monograms... ;)

There are a couple more elements that is unique just to them but THAT is the surprise!  ;)
Sooooo.....  I am hoping that the piecing will be finished soon so that I can start on the actual quilting.

Gosh..... Between my blogging and UFOs, there isn't a whole lot of time in a day!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

All in a Jumble

This is what I feel like.  =o(
(Traffic on June 29, 2013. US77)

Why must EVERYTHING in life for me be so hard.  
Don't get me wrong, I am very grateful for my blessings and am surrounded by a lot of love. 
 I thank God every day for what I have and am thankful for giving me another day.

I guess I should just leave things at that but it is just so extremely frustrating that everything I do has to be  a test of my patience~ emotionally, mentally or physically.  

Like the wall behind my jasmines, I feel choked and claustrophobic.
Itching to be free of the confines.  To be creative and flourish and not be inhibited.

But as usual there is always a bridge to cross through...
(Bridge crossing Ohio river)

...and the. crossing is always at a snail's pace.
(artist Jean Magdich,

I stay bound and determined.
But am tired of looking at an unclear map for directions.
....and I don't want a philosophical discussion of my current life lesson...

No, I'm not saying that I don't want to go through the journey.
(artist Jean Magdich,

I just want someone to point out the right path.

Monday, July 22, 2013

YouTube Email

Lookie!  Lookie!  Lookie!!!!
Look what I got in my email this morning!!!!!

For those of you that do not know, Brian Crain is the composer of the "Butterfly Waltz"
 that T and S2 played at T's recital this past weekend.  
OH EM GEE!!!!!  
I am so excited!!! 
They were real happy too!  
Brian Crain, if you are reading this, your email meant a lot to a couple of 10 year olds!!!!
For those of you that missed the video on my last post, here it is!

Like I said, sorry for the video shift.
We had a double camera malfunction and we had to salvage what we could.
While you're in there, please don't forget to subscribe!!
That way you get all my videos when I post!  ;)

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Irish Blessing and Butterflies

May the wings of the butterfly kiss the sun
And find your shoulder to light on,
To bring you luck, happiness and riches
Today, tomorrow and beyond.
~Irish Blessing

T had her recital yesterday and as with every summer,
her brother was a guest performer who played a duet with her. 
This year they played the Butterfly Waltz by composer Brian Crain.
It is truly a beautiful piece.
The courtship between the cello and the piano was magnificent.
The soft and light overtones of the piano.
with the strong and rich undertones of the cello.
I was a happy Mommy.  =o)

You can watch it by clicking here.
Please dont forget to subscribe to my channel here.
I decided to make their performance my first ever YouTube post.
Excuse the video shift.
We had a double camera malfunction so we had to salvage what we could.
Hope you enjoy their performance as much as I did!  =o)

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Morning Friends

Our deer friends are getting very bold.
This one in particular just stood there and looked at me as if it was asking me what I was doing in his territory.  
I really love it that they are free to come and go on our property...  Although I guess I'm the one invading theirs... I've also realized that we are probably never going to have pretty flowers surrounding our house.  
I really enjoy my early mornings with them.  :)

Monday, July 15, 2013

New Digs

Hello World.
Apparently that is what I'm supposed to say according to Jimmy Wales,
Wikipedia's founder and owner.
I was listening to an interview of him at NPR yesterday.
 Anyways, this weekend was a good weekend.
Actually, this week was a good week.
(ASh Cave trail, Hockinghills, Ohio)

I was able to get a lot of things done at work, in my mom/wife role,
personally and with ECKDesign.
WHEW!  (I'm smiling from ear to ear and doing the jig!)
(Hocking House - Logan, Ohio)

First things first is that No Pattern, now No Pattern 2 has moved!
Yup!  I've bitten the bullet and decided to separate my personal accounts with my business accounts.
(Hocking House-Logan, Ohio)

All this online and social media stuff are my weakness and so the fact that I am blogging from this new address means a lot! 
(Hocking House Logan, Ohio)

There's soooo much to do though and so be patient with me during the transition.
(Hockinghills, Ohio)

I have put the links on my side left bar so that you can follow me through email or subscribe to my feed.  I also have a business facebook account so please friend me! 
(new Facebook link is also on left side bar!)
(Hocking House-Logan, Ohio)

Until I figure out Amazon, please keep using the link in the old blog for now. 
I really appreciate your patience and support with this venture.