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Monday, July 15, 2013

New Digs

Hello World.
Apparently that is what I'm supposed to say according to Jimmy Wales,
Wikipedia's founder and owner.
I was listening to an interview of him at NPR yesterday.
 Anyways, this weekend was a good weekend.
Actually, this week was a good week.
(ASh Cave trail, Hockinghills, Ohio)

I was able to get a lot of things done at work, in my mom/wife role,
personally and with ECKDesign.
WHEW!  (I'm smiling from ear to ear and doing the jig!)
(Hocking House - Logan, Ohio)

First things first is that No Pattern, now No Pattern 2 has moved!
Yup!  I've bitten the bullet and decided to separate my personal accounts with my business accounts.
(Hocking House-Logan, Ohio)

All this online and social media stuff are my weakness and so the fact that I am blogging from this new address means a lot! 
(Hocking House Logan, Ohio)

There's soooo much to do though and so be patient with me during the transition.
(Hockinghills, Ohio)

I have put the links on my side left bar so that you can follow me through email or subscribe to my feed.  I also have a business facebook account so please friend me! 
(new Facebook link is also on left side bar!)
(Hocking House-Logan, Ohio)

Until I figure out Amazon, please keep using the link in the old blog for now. 
I really appreciate your patience and support with this venture.


  1. Hello hello! I'll be following you :-) Btw, your pics convinced me that we absolutely have to check out HH so that is where we are headed for a few days in August for last hurrah before school starts! If you got a cabin and were happy with it and its location, let me know!

  2. Van, the K's have a summer home a few minutes away so we stayed with them. There are a lot in the area though so you'll have your fair share to choose from! =o)
