The first call I got yesterday was from my Dad.
He was so excited to wish me a Happy Birthday.
I was in the car with my best friend off to our regular Saturday jaunts.
Right away I told my dad that I wanted to speak to my mom.
As soon as she got on the phone I yelled Happy Birthday!!!!
My bf looked at me and asked me why I am wishing her a happy birthday too.
You see, every year for as far as I can remember, I wish my mom that on my birthday.
She is always one of the first ones, if not the first one, I speak to as soon as I wake up.
...and why not? After all, it is her "birth"day too.
Now that I am a mom, I know how special my children's birthdays are to me.
I am always brought back to the months that I carried them and through the period leading up to their delivery.
It is such a joyous moment.
For me, it is important that I let her know that I do not forget her on my special day.
Because it is her day too.
And as I reflect back to all the days that are behind me,
I am truly grateful.
To God, to my mom and dad, my family and friends and all of life that surround me.
And I pray that I am given the blessing of many more days.
like...and sniff